If you commenced STP reporting before 30 June 2019, then you’ll need to use MYOB Advanced People to submit a Finalisation Event by 31 July 2019 instead of providing payment summaries to your employees and submitting a PSAR to the ATO. From 2020 onwards, Finalisation Events will be due by 14 July.
Submitting a finalisation declaration (which MYOB calls a Finalisation Event) indicates to the ATO that you have provided all necessary information for the financial year through STP reporting. Once finalised, the status of that information in your employees' myGov accounts will change from being ‘Not tax ready’ to being Tax ready and it will be used to pre-fill their tax returns. But although you have until 31 July 2019 to lodge your finalisation declaration using MYOB Advanced People, the sooner you lodge it, the sooner your staff will be able to lodge their tax returns and access the recently passed tax cut for the 2019 financial year… and the sooner they’ll stop asking you for their payment summaries!
On the topic of payment summaries, remember that if you are submitting a Finalisation Event, then you don’t need to provide your employees with a PAYG payment summary as well. Instead, let your employees know that their income statement will be available from the ATO online by giving them a copy of the ATO’s Single Touch Payroll employees factsheet. Your employees will probably have also received an email about the STP changes directly from the ATO as well. Most of your employees will already have a myGov account set up to view their tax ready pay information. However, if your employee doesn’t have a myGov account, you can refer them to the ATO’s helpful video on how to set up a myGov account.
It is important not to duplicate the employee information that you submit to the ATO, so if you started STP reporting before 30 June 2019, should submit a Finalisation Event instead of (and not in addition to) submitting a payment summary annual report (PSAR) file to the ATO.
The Federal Government's income tax cuts have been passed by the Senate. The tax cuts will apply from 2019 income year, but the ATO has previously promised that if the tax cuts became law and a taxpayer has already received their personal income tax assessment, the ATO will automatically amend that assessment in response to the tax cuts.
These types of tax changes highlight the benefits of using MYOB's cloud payroll software. As a user of MYOB Advanced People, you don't need to worry about upgrading your payroll software to reflect the new tax tables. MYOB will handle it for you and notify you when the new release has been applied in MYOB Advanced People.
If you commenced STP reporting last financial year, then you may be using some of the following MYOB Advanced People functionality for the first time, so we have included quick links to take you directly to the relevant how-to articles in our KnowledgeHub. There are also some recently introduced features that you can use, such as payslip password protection submitting TFN declarations via STP.
If you didn’t start STP reporting before 30 June 2019, then please refer to the MYOB's EOFY Guide for Non-STP sites to complete your EOFY payroll processes in MYOB Advanced People.
Please reach out to us if you need help accessing the KnowledgeHub in our Customer Portal or setting up STP reporting in MYOB Advanced People.